March 09, 2004

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Boston police officers announced they will be protesting outside the Democratic National Convention. Sara Turner reports for the Workers Independent News Service.

Today, the British government approves planting genetically modified crops over strong objections by parliament and the general population. Naomi Fowler reports from London.

Pakistan has advanced their nuclear weapons program while furthering a nuclear power plant deal with China. In Islamabad, Masror Hussain has more.

The Environmental Protection Agency adds new toxic dump sites to its Superfund list as Congress prepares to vote on a measure that will put a band-aid on the bankrupt federal clean up program. Selina Musuta reports from Capitol.

Thousands of legal immigrants have been quietly detained and deported by the US government. Erika McDonald has more.

Haiti Update
After former Supreme Court Justice Boniface Alexandre was yesterday sworn in as the interim president of Haiti, today a new prime minister will be named. This new leadership for Haiti comes on the heels of yesterday’s emphatic statements by President Jean Bertrand Aristide that he was indeed kidnapped by the United States and that he remains the democratically elected President of Haiti. Under a plan approved by the US, France and the Organization of American States, a seven person council of US appointed Haitians is due to nominate a prime minister. Meanwhile the Black Congressional Caucus is stepping up their fight to get answers from the Bush Administration about the abduction of Aristide. Deepa Fernandes, with Rene Feltz, reports.

IA director testifies on Capitol Hill
CIA director George Tenet and Defense Intelligence Agency Admiral Lowell Jacoby returned to Capitol Hill today to testify at a Senate committee. Mitch Jeserich reports.

10 Years of 3 Strikes
This weekend marked the 10th anniversary of California’s Three Strikes Law, which requires 25-year-to-life sentences for any felony if the offender has two prior serious or violent felony convictions. The criminal law reform group FACTS, or Families to Amend California’s Three Strikes, met in Los Angeles this weekend to rally support for changing what they consider to be an unjust law. Jason Rosencrantz in Los Angeles has more.

Maryland to Abolish Death Penalty?
For the fifth consecutive year the Maryland legislature is again considering abolishing the death penalty. But as Tom Gomez reports from Pacifica station WPFW, Maryland is not the only state where the death penalty is being questioned.

Part 1: Behind the Bush Women – a Theatrical Journey!
As we continue our coverage for international women’s month, today we begin a look at the women behind the Bush Administration. In the coming days we will be talking to reporter and author Laura Flanders about her investigations into the various Bush Women. But today, FSRN’s Rebecca Myles takes us into a theater in lower Manhattan where drama was used to expose Bush’s women.


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