April 19, 2005

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Headlines (4:29)

New German Pope
The bells in St. Peter’s Square called the Catholic faithful and curiosity seekers in Rome to hear the name of the newly elected pope.  Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger from Germany will hereafter be known as Pope Benedict XVI.  Brought to Rome to be the church’s enforcer of orthodoxy, he has shut the door on any discussion about the ordination of women, same sex marriage, or changing the rules of celibacy for priests.  In the speech he gave prior to opening the conclave in which he was elected he warned of “a dictatorship of relativism…that recognizes nothing definite and leaves only one’s own ego and one’s own desires as the final measure.”

Votes Waiver for Bolton
At deadline, at least one and possibly two Republicans are wavering on the nomination of the next US ambassador to the United Nations.  Selina Musuta reports on the vote for John Bolton from Capitol Hill.

Managuans Angry Over Bus Fare Hike
University students burned and destroyed three buses in Nicaragua, angry over an increase in bus fares.  Nan McCurdy has more from Managua.

Accused 9/11 Perpetrator Pleads Guilty
The only person charged with attacking the U.S. on September 11th, Zacarias Mousaoui, announced his intention to plead guilty.  Victoria Jones reports from D.C.


Senate Votes Down Two Competing Immigration Amendments to War Supplemental (2:54)
Today the Senate voted down two competing amendments to the Iraq and Afghanistan war supplemental that would have created guest worker programs for migrant farm-workers.  But the amendments’ defeats are only considered round one on the national debate on migrant farm-workers and undocumented immigrants. Mitch Jeserich reports from Capitol Hill.

Italy’s Government in Deep Political Crisis (2:01)
The Italian government finds itself in a deep crisis. A major split in the majority coalition has left Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi isolated, since many party members stand at odds with Berlusconi’s policies after major losses in recent regional elections. Diletta Varlese has more.

Humanitarian Workers Arrested and Deported in Indonesia (3:21)
Indonesian human rights groups protested army, police and immigrant officers Monday who arrested and deported four humanitarian activists who spoke at a trauma healing workshop for tsunami and conflict victims in Aceh. Authorities accused the four activists from India, Sri Lanka and Hong Kong, of being associated with the Free Aceh Movement or GAM. FSRN’s Meggy Margiyono has more.

Mehmet Ali Talat Wins Elections in Northern Cyprus (3:26)
Northern-Cypriot Prime Minister and the leader of the governing Social Democratic Party, or CTP, Mehmet Ali Talat won Sunday’s presidential elections in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus by winning the required absolute majority. Ozhan Onder has more.

Hope for Relatives of Disappeared Political Activists from Chile’s Dictatorship (4:26)
Recent news concerning a colony in the South of Chile has created hope for many living relatives of the country’s disappeared. Family members of the more than one thousand missing political prisoners, detained during the 16 year military regime of Augusto Pinochet, are hopeful that recent developments will lead them to the bodies of their loved ones. Jesse Hardman reports from Santiago.

Alternative “Tent University” Activists Met with Police Violence (3:15)
College students at campuses across the US have created their own Tent University to protest federal government budget priorities. The alternative universities, which house week-long, 24-hour liberated zones, offer skills shares and workshops inside tents, which symbolize the displacement of higher education. Actions this week are taking place at the University of Missouri Kansas City, and at Rutgers, in New Jersey. Last night at the University of California Santa Cruz, police violently broke up the Tent University which students erected at the school’s main entrance. Vinny Lombardo reports.


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