May 10, 2002

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38 Day Seige at the Church of the Nativity Over (3:30)
The 13 Palestinians on Israel’s most-wanted list were flown to Cyprus, the first stop in an exile that will take them to third countries under a European-brokered deal. Meanwhile, in the Gaza Strip, Palestinians braced for an expected military onslaught after a suicide bomber killed 15 Israelis near Tel Aviv on Tuesday.  Free Speech Radio News Host, Deepa Fernandes, reports.

Muslim Organizations Protest in Houston (3:30)
In an effort to promote a greater awareness of Islam and demand that the United States adhere to a balanced human rights agenda both domestically and abroad, US based Muslim organizations sponsored a demonstration outside of the offices of former President George Bush Sr. and US Congressman John Culberson in Houston (Texas) last Friday afternoon. Voicing their concerns for the current Palestinian crisis, organizers called on Congress to increase their dialogue with Muslim organizations for peaceful resolutions in the Middle East, and further demanded that Congress reevaluate their overwhelming support for Israel in the face of internationally documented human rights violations taking place in Palestine. Jackson Allers of reports in Houston.

UN Children’s Summit (4:00)
Childhood is often described as an idyllic time of life, but for the vast majority of the world’s 2 billion children, it is anything but. Eleven million die before their fifth birthday, and those who survive face an uncertain future. At the UN this week, delegates from 180 countries, including 3,000 representatives of grassroots organizations, met to hammer out solutions to global problems affecting youth. With aids spreading rapidly among teenagers, especially in developing countries, a majority of governments are hoping for increased resources for preventive health services. But the Bush administration, with support from religious conservatives, is blocking agreement. Susan Wood has more from the United Nations.

Is Congress Soft On Enron? (3:57)
After two years of complaints from consumer advocates that enron and other energy traders were illegally manipulating the power market in the western states, the White House has finally asked for a federal investigation. President Bush is asking his energy regulators to look into the matter, but western states congress members say the case should go to the Justice Department, too. A recently discovered internal memo seems to implicate Enron in a number of elaborate, illegal schemes. But what’s being done to assure the taxpayers and the ratepayers don’t get ripped off by other energy companies? Consumer advocates say:  not much. Joshua Chaffin reports from Washington.

The Federal Government ready to Recognize Abanaki Indians  (4:50)
The Abanaki Indians are poised to become the newest tribe to be recognized by the Federal Government. Chris Bracken reports from Burlington, Vermont.

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