March 08, 2005

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Kosovar Prime Minister Indicted for War Crimes
Kosovo’s ethnic Albanian Prime Minister was indicted for war crimes today.Kata Mester has this report from United Nations headquarters in Pristina,Kosovo.

Senate Faces Abortion Showdown Over Bankrupcy Bill
The Senate faced it’s first abortion battle of the new Congress today when they defeated a controversial ammendment to the  bankruptcy bill.  They then voted to limit debate on the full measure and forcing a vote in the next few days. The President has said he will sign the bill. Stephanie Edgerly has more from Washington DC.

Medicaid Paying Too Much for Prescriptions
A new government report shows that the Medicaid program is overpaying for prescription drugs. Mitch Jeserich reports from Washington.

Farworkers Win Taco Bell Boycott
The four year old boycott of Taco Bell is over. FSRN correspondent Andrew Stelzer reports.

Farmworkers Protest in Mexico
Farmers and the Federal Electricity Commission in Chihuahua state have reportedly reached a resolution in a conflict that flared over the weekend. Vladimir Flores has the story.

More Than A Million Protest in Beirut
Thousands of pro-Syrian Lebanese protestors gathered today in a huge demonstration called for by Hezbollah. They denounced the western  interference in Lebanon and the UN Security Council resolution 1559 that calls for a total withdrawal of the Syrian army from Lebanon and disarming Hizbollah militias. The demonstration was organized by pro-Syria political parties in Lebanon.  to thank the Syrian government and its army for the role they say they have played in stopping civil war and in the fight against the Israeli occupation. Official sources estimated the number of the demonstrators about a million and a half. Also today, some 6,000 Syrian troops started redeploying toward the eastern Bekaa Valley in an operation that is to last a week to 10 days. this report was prepared my Mohammed Shublaq in  Beirut, Lebanon.


Another Far-Right Nomination from President Bush (2:07)
Advocates for multilateralism reacted strongly against President Bush’s pick for United State Ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton. Bolton’s far-right foreign policy stance includes longtime opposition to the very institution to which he has been nominated to serve. Jenny Johnson has more.

Guatemala Begins its First-Ever Anti-Discrimination Lawsuit (2:15)
Police in Guatemala are guarding the Congress, where members are debating whether to ratify the Dominica Republic-Central American Free Trade Agreement. Thousands of protestors are demonstrating near the Congress- hoping to pressure members of the Guatemalan Congress to oppose the agreement. Meanwhile, a landmark trial kicked off today in Guatemala over what many say is one of the country’s thorniest historical legacies: racism. Indigenous leaders and anti-discrimination activists hope the trial will help bring attention to the problem, and motivate others to use the justice system to defend their rights against racial and other discrimination.

Nepalese and Indian Diplomats meet for First Time since Royal Coup (2:53)
In Nepal, at least 200 people have been arrested today for demonstrating against King Gyanendra. Protestors marched demanding the release of politicians and activists who have been in detention or house arrest since the King of Nepal dismissed his government a little over one month ago India has now halted arms supplies to Nepal, and although the Nepalese Foreign Minister is meeting with the Indian External Affairs Minister, India maintains a firm stand that unless democracy is restored, the arms supply will not restart. In the meantime, the Royal Nepalese Army claimed to have killed at least 30 Maoist rebels near the western town of Sandhikharka, in one of the bloodiest clashes since the royal coup. FSRN’s Binu Alex has more.

Violence Against Women in Indonesia on the Rise (2:58)
Indonesia’s Woman Commission announced that violence against women, including rape, torture, trafficking and domestic abuse, has doubled – from 7,000 last year to 14,000 this year. Even though the Indonesian parliament enacted legislation called the Anti Domestic Violation Law, violence against women in Indonesia is still on the rise. Nevertheless, women in Jakarta celebrated International Women’s Day today- FSRN’s Meggy Margiyono has the story.

A Look at the Murders of Women in Ciudad Juárez (3:52)
After a week-long fact finding mission in late February, Yakin Erturk, a United Nations special investigator into violence against women concluded that sexual violence against women often goes unpunished in Mexico.Perhaps the most outstanding example of this type of impunity is in the case of the 12 year string of sex murders in Ciudad Juárez. In Mexico, Shannon Young looks at what may be preventing justice in these cases.

Women in DC Prisons Face Bitter Prospects Upon Release (3:06)
A study released by the Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy at the University of Massachusetts-Boston this month stated that women in prison have traditionally been ignored. For advocates working on the rights of women prisoners in Washington DC, that study is all too real. Often women released from prison in DC are left with less resources coming out of jail than when they originally came in. From the District of Columbia, Selina Musuta of the DC radio coop has more.


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