June 15, 2005

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Senate Judiciary Committee Considers Guantanamo Bay Prisoner Rights (4:10)
A military lawyer appointed to represent a Guantanamo Bay detainee testified in Congress today that his client was forced to plead guilty to an unspecified war crime in order to see a lawyer. The testimony came as the Senate Judiciary Committee held an open hearing on whether detainees being held at Guantanamo Bay are being afforded their rights to due process. Washington editor Mitch Jeserich was there and brings us this report.

International Groups of Former Officials Call for Open Access to Detainees (3:07)
Former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark joined an international group of former high-ranking officials calling on the US to open access to detainees in the war on terror. Their focus was the fate of Saddam Hussein. Jenny Johnson reports.

US Army Celebrates 230th Birthday (2:51)
With recruitment levels down, the U.S. Army used the occasion of its 230th birthday yesterday to host a media-savvy presentation, and invited elected officials and groups of school children to attend. But, as Chuck Rosina reports, many Boston-area residents felt the celebration was planned to spread pro-war propaganda.

French Respond to Olympic Bid During Economic Slump (3:51)
The International Olympic Committee has declared that the host city of the 2012 Olympic Games is likely to be either Paris or London. The final choice from five candidates, including New York, will be announced in Singapore on July 6. All the would-be hosts have launched massive campaigns to persuade the committee, as well as their own citizens. But, as Tony Cross reports from Paris- they haven’t convinced everyone.

Activists Oppose Coal Fired Plant in Colorado (3:27)
One of the country’s largest utility companies, Xcel Energy, is proposing to build a multi million dollar coal fired plant in Colorado. Although some environmental groups have signed off on an agreement with the company, a number of people are still opposed to the plant. Maeve Conran reports.

Mumia Abu Jamal Commentary: The Death of Pensions? (3:21)


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