July 05, 2005

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Thai officials say thousands of teachers and residents are fleeing the country’s far south because of almost daily violence. Since last January, more than 700 people have been killed indiscriminately in that region. From Bangkok, Doualy Xaykauthao reports.

A series of social cleansing crimes have swept through the highlands of Guatemala. Jill Replogle reports from Guatemala.

A last minute executive session has been convened in Brazil to discuss how to clear the country of a bribery scandal that has plagued Brazil’s political landscape. Natalia Viana has more from Sao Paulo.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon demands that right -wing protestors NOT disrupt the evacuation plan for Gaza, which he says will be carried out.  Meanwhile, Israel and the Palestinian Authority agree on a route connecting Gaza to the West Bank. Manar Jibreen reports.

As many around the United States celebrated the fourth of July, about 200 people gathered in Manhattan yesterday morning to challenge America’s definition of Independence. They said torture is un-American and demanded the closing of the U.S. prison at Guantanamo, Cuba. Melinda Tuhus reports.

Under the political party, Forces for the Defense of Democracy, the majority Hutu party won a majority in the national assembly elections in Burundi. This is the latest election in a series this year that will restore a democratic government and CHOOSE a President. Burundi has undergone 12 years of civil war between the Tutsi rebels and the Hutu, which resulted in more than 300,000 deaths. For the first time since 1962, the Hutu majority has reclaimed a political majority from the Tutsi minority.


Campaigns Begin over Nomination to Replace Sandra Day O’Connor (4:09)
The retirement of Sandra Day O’Connor from the Supreme Court now gives President Bush his first opportunity to nominate a new judge to sit on the most powerful bench in the country, sparking off campaigns from both the left and right that could cost over $100 million. Because O’Connor was considered the one swing vote in a divided court, her replacement is seen as someone who could tip the court further to the right. The new make up of the Supreme Court could have significant impact on a series of upcoming cases the Court is scheduled to hear. Mitch Jeserich reports from Washington.

Indian Government Bracing for Nationwide Protests (3:29)
In what Indian political parties describe as a clear signal to derail the peace process between India and Pakistan, India claimed today its reserve police force shot six terrorists trying to enter Ayodhya, a disputed religious site in North India. The Government is now gearing up for a nationwide protest by the right wing Hindu parties over the next few days. In the past, such protests have resulted in violence. FSRN Correspondent Binu Alex has more.

Massive Protests Continue on the Eve of G8 Summit (3:24)
Tensions remain high in Scotland on the eve of the G8 summit after yesterday’s street carnival ended with clashes between protesters and riot police, resulting in over sixty arrests and dozens of demonstrators wounded. While the authorities and the mainstream press blame anarchist groups for the violence, protesters and onlookers suggest that heavy handed police tactics were equally responsible. In Scotland, Tom Allan has more.

Iraqis Extremely Dependent on Food Ration System (2:27)
In 1995, Iraqis started using food ration coupons, given by the Saddam Hussein administration, to survive through the UN sanctions. When the war began, the food rations were suspended for six months, and then restarted by the Iraqi Government council. As Bob Sanders reports, today, with 65 percent unemployment, the Iraqi people are extremely dependent on this food ration system.

Voice in the Wilderness Back in Court (2:06)
Voices in the Wilderness, which was formed in 1996 to non violently challenge sanctions imposed by the U.S. against Iraq, is facing their latest court battle with the U.S. Department of the Treasury concerning distributing medicine to Iraqis during the sanction period. More than one year has passed since their last court hearing, on Wednesday the judge will hear arguments from both sides. Selina Musuta reports from DC.

Janitors in Colorado Fight for Better Working Conditions (2:31)
The national Justice for Janitors movement has been fighting for better working conditions for janitors.  Often non English speaking immigrant workers, janitors are frequently paid below minimum wage without any benefits. The Service Employees International Union, or SEIU, has been using its Justice for Janitors campaign to win better working conditions for janitors across the country. Last week, SEIU members gathered in Louisville Colorado to fight another battle against a company they accuse of exploiting its workers. FSRN’s Maeve Conran has more.

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