Category: 2012

December 17, 2012

Hundreds rally on NRA headquarters in DC as calls rise for gun control measures Schools across US step up police presence in wake of Connecticut shooting New Yorkers call for Sandy recovery as thousands...

December 14, 2012

Protesters rally in Egypt ahead of vote on Morsi-backed constitution Brooklyn residents demand accountability from authorities after Superstorm Sandy Women’s rights groups slam restrictive abortion measures approved by Michigan lawmakers Courts and activists demand...

December 13, 2012

Senate committee rejects Kucinich resolution demanding legal justification for drone killings West Bank clashes erupt after Israeli soldier kills unarmed Palestinian teenager Activists in California protest the government’s move to open thousands of acres...

December 12, 2012

Students call on Congress to address the ‘school to prison pipeline’ Bradley Manning’s pre-trial hearing concludes, defense lawyer says he was treated like a ‘zoo animal’ Palestinian Authority may go to the International Criminal...

December 11, 2012

Human rights groups call on Senators to release 6,000 page report on CIA torture Mali enters another political crisis as troops arrest the Prime Minister United Nations tours Myanmar camps, finds ‘dire’ conditions for...

December 10, 2012

Activists challenge the constitutionality of the filibuster in federal court Ahead of Michigan Right to Work vote, opponents fight to protect collective bargaining In the UK, activists protest controversial mandatory work scheme Immigrant rights...

December 7, 2012

Philippines delegates urge action at Doha climate talks as Typhoon Bopha death toll rises Youth activists protest in Doha, call climate agreement an insult US officials urge Russia to help end the conflict in...

December 6, 2012

In Egypt, tensions continue following mass protests and violent clashes Israel’s Supreme Court hears a challenge to a law that criminalizes boycotts of settlement goods Ghanaians prepare to vote in presidential and parliamentary elections...

December 05, 2012

  US Senate passes National Defense Authorization Act with expanded abortion access for raped servicewomen In Canada, reproductive rights groups call on the Minister for the Status of Women to resign Activists in Doha...

December 4, 2012

As fiscal cliff nears, grassroots activists urge lawmakers to protect the social safety net Critics slam continued secrecy of Trans-Pacific Partnership, talks underway in New Zealand UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon warns countries in...